Monday, February 28, 2022

Retro-Blog 2009.12.29 - "Another Tricky Day"

"Another Tricky Day"
Michael Kepler
December 29, 2009   · 2 min read  · Shared with Public

"Another tricky day
Another gently nagging pain"

-from the lyric of "Another Tricky Day" by The Who, written by Pete Townshend

Table of Today's Contents

Chapter One:
The "Dad Meeting"

The Kitty Hunt
Part One: The Man Who Dances With Trains
Part Two: The Cave of Mystery
Part Three: Detained by Deputies

Chapter Three:
The Emergency Room

To Hell with it.  I'm way too tired right now to do justice to this very bizarre and very long day.  Sadly, I will probably not remember it well enough tomorrow or later to write about it then, either.

In particular, I wish I had recorded the "Dad Meeting", as it demonstrated so much of what is wrong, not just with my extended family and the Warehouse of Sorrows in which my Father is being held prisoner, but our broader culture and industry as it relates to the eldest and most vulnerable among us.  Maybe later, with some help from one or two others, I can piece something together.

The Kitty Hunt episode is a story in itself, and not likely to be forgotten any time soon, so that will be forthcoming, most likely.   Not only is it a strange tale of adventure in itself, it begs a discussion of the dark history of the Railroad Police, an anachronistic horror show that lives on virtually unchanged.  Sadly, no missing kitties were found, and the animal shelter closest to where they were lost was closed.  I will return there tomorrow to make sure they put up the posters, and to check if, by some miracle, either cat has been turned in.  I am not The Man Who Dances with Trains (with his pants down), but it took a few tense minutes to convince the deputies of that.

Finally, since any mention of an Emergency Room is potentially alarming, I should at least note that it was, in the end, much ado about mostly nothing.  Most of what I have to say about it is just more of me being a bitter crybaby about things I should just leave alone.

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