Sunday, November 22, 2020

Complaint Blogs and Theories Regarding Why They May Cease or Have Long Lapses

Honestly, mine is mostly a complaint blog. Mine, in fact, is mostly a complaint existence.  There are increasingly long lapses of average time between posts to my blog.  I have a few theories about this, which might also apply to other complaint blogs:

1: The complainer's life has become better and they are loathe to admit it.

2: The complainer can no-longer maintain the delusion that their complaints are worthy of being read by others.

3: The complainer's life has become so fraught with struggle and misery that there simply isn't time or energy left to complain about it.

4: The complainer is too lazy to even complain.

For me, at this time, my best guess is that I am not writing much here because of reasons #4 and #2.  I would cite #3, except that I know all too well the many ways my struggle and misery could increase significantly.

So, why not a thankfulness blog about the difference between #3 and my present situation?  Every answer to that question that I can imagine reflects poorly, and probably accurately, on my character, so choose your own.  I can't be bothered.

I forgot #5: The complainer is dead.  Not yet at the time of this writing, and way too much trouble to bring about by willful action on my part (see #4).

Oh, and #6, it literally physically hurts a lot to sit in the chair in front of my computer.  There are several strategies that may or may not mitigate this issue, but again, see #4.

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