Thursday, August 18, 2016

A Post of Uncertain Motivation

Mostly, I think I just remembered that I had a blog, and noticed that I had not written in it in a long time.   My best guess is that I only feel bloggy when I am depressed or otherwise distressed, and have this inexplicable urge to share the worst of me and my experience with my pantheon of imaginary friends.

So, am I depressed?  Sometimes, and with increasing frequency, as best as I can judge as the thing inside the black box of my mind.  I am approaching the point of considering modifications to my treatment, but I do so with much trepidation.  I don't have a lot of overhead for dosage increase of Zoloft, and it seems awfully soon to go up from 100mg/day, when the absolute ceiling allowed is 200mg/day. 

Hopefully, my psychiatrist kept notes on my effects and side-effects of the other medications I had tried and abandoned, as some may be worth re-visiting.  Considering that some of the side-effects that had led to cessation of some medications have become permanent conditions of uncertain cause.  I have so many things wrong with me, and I take so many medications, not just psychoactive ones, the cause of my "side-effects" would be a very difficult and hazardous thing to sort out.

Hey look, I just ran out of motivation to ramble into the void.

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